When you're pregnant, the last two things you want to have to worry about when you're expecting a baby are your health and your income. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would help ensure that pregnant women are able to follow their doctor's recommendations without worrying their bosses are going to squeeze them out of a job.
Recently, the investigation files on children forcefully disappeared during the 13-year civil war in El Salvador were destroyed in an attack on the offices of Asociación Pro-Búsqueda—seemingly part of an orchestrated campaign to destroy evidence related to the genocidal acts committed during the civil war.
Young Lakota chronicles the story of Cecelia Fire Thunder, who, after South Dakota passed the nation’s most restrictive abortion measure in 2006, proposed what seemed to be a neat workaround: open an abortion-providing Planned Parenthood on her property on the Oglala Lakota reservation.
Life Dynamics says it mailed the flyers, which feature an image of what looks to be an aborted fetus, to every doctor's office in the state. The president of the group posted an image of the flyer on Facebook Friday, noting that "there will be a ruckus and this is just the first shot of the ruckus that’s coming."
A Nebraska judge recently ruled that a pregnant teen in foster care could not have the abortion she was seeking. Many people have pointed out the irony of her being too young to make decisions, but old enough to parent—but the issues at stake here go much deeper.
Last year, Republican senators, led by far-right ideologues Michael Farris and Rick Santorum, defeated ratification of a UN treaty based on the Americans With Disabilities Act. Will they succeed again this year?
Republican lawmakers had hoped in 2011 that their family planning funding cuts would force Planned Parenthood to stop providing health care in the state; instead, the data shows that a wide variety of family planning clinics have shuttered.
Attorneys for the state want the Roberts Court to reinstate a law that strips funding from doctors and clinics that perform abortions even though that money does not go toward abortion care.
A new program in the UK is making waves for offering financial incentives to women who breastfeed exclusively for six months. Do programs like this really encourage breastfeeding, or do they just end up making women who have trouble nursing feel like failures?