Del. Michael Folk introduced two amendments to the bill, one that would have expanded the definition of "person" to include a fetus, and another that would have included "the health of the unborn child" in the bill's protections of pregnant women. The amendments were defeated before the bill passed the state house.
The Times seems to have gone out of its way to publish a commentary that the paper's own reporting shows is absolutely false on all counts. This is irresponsible media at its worst.
Anti-choicers want to take credit for the lower abortion rate, claiming that their efforts at stigmatizing it have caused women to choose to have babies instead. Unfortunately for them, the evidence suggests otherwise.
A bill introduced in the South Dakota house would restrict abortion services in the state by targeting second-trimester abortions with never-before-used legislative language.
The reorganization of the Virginia senate's education and health committee under Democratic control has given a boost to pro-choice legislation. Bills repealing mandatory ultrasound and insurance coverage restrictions will now move to the full senate.
There's a tendency in our society to think of relationships formed by adoption as somehow less real than those rooted in biology. This may explain why so much of the discussion of Farrow's story of abuse has focused on her status as an adopted person.