Last night, the Senate passed the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill that includes significant provisions overturning destructive policies on family planning and HIV/AIDS. Be sure to watch this stunning video in TV Reality or within this post.
In the Philippines, organizations who counter the Catholic Church's opposition to contraception run the risk of being called population-control advocates.
Senate Democrats fight for global women's health today by urging Bush to restore the long withheld funding for crucial family planning funds around the world.
Republican presidential contenders debate support for state-legalized abortion, a thinly-veiled opposition to contraception and the sanctity of gay marriage.
Is Sen. Specter signaling that moderate Republicans are finding a spine to battle social conservatives? His role resurrecting Sen. Larry Craig may signal just that.
You thought abstinence-only programs weren't actually educational? Check out what retrograde notions students learn from them. Rewire welcomes Amanda Marcotte, featured every Monday on Reality Cast and with this Wednesday column!