Amanda talks courts with Louise Melling of the ACLU, mocks values voters and concedes that Fox made an okay documentary on abortion. Also, secret homosexuality in Harry Potter and secret feminism in Guitar Hero.
The sponsor of the Philippines' reproductive health bill has recently accepted reproductive health as a human right, not as a population control measure.
Doctors from around the world testified in support of overturning the global gag rule yesterday and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews one of them.
Secularists and evangelicals attempt to divide and conquer suburbia in the biting new book, "The Abstinence Teacher" by Tom Perrotta. And divide they do.
Today, the Democratic controlled Labor HHS Appropriations conference committee report includes the full increase requested by President Bush for abstinence-only programs. Let's call that what it is: a stunning disgrace.
Tomorrow, Rep. Joseph Crowley will unveil a bill aiming to correct the loophole that prevents college and university health care centers and safety-net providers from accessing affordable birth control.
Bill Hybels, conservative Christian and founder of a Chicago-area megachurch, recently indicated interest in "the plight of women in the developing world."
Politicians of all stripes should face reality -- increasing the rate of completed adoptions, however valid on its own merits, is irrelevant to the abortion rate.
Some of the nation's leading performing artists are calling for the U.S. Congress to roll back the Bush administration's policy on global HIV/AIDS funds requiring abstinence from sex until marriage.