Sen. Hillary Clinton has released her HIV/AIDS plan, which would double the HIV/AIDS research budget within the National Institutes of Health to $5.2 billion annually.
The CNN/YouTube Republican debate last night covered everything from the national debt to criminal charges for women obtaining illegal abortions but the emptiness was evident anyway.
Reproductive health advocates are pushing for several bills to become law before Congress adjourns for the holidays. Low-cost contraception and postpartum research are high priorities to make it through the legislative backlog.
Do anti-choice women hate themselves? No -- they think that by organizing against women, at least bad women, they have earned a "Get Out Of Female Jail" card.
We should post "mind the gap" warnings in many of America's schools -- alerting students, parents and the public to the hazards posed by the huge, and growing, reality gap in U.S. sex education.
Ten leading scientists send an open letter to Congress urging them to discontinue funding for failed abstinence-only programs and offering to advise Congress on an alternative.