On January 29, 2008, a group of women, together with activist organizations and individuals working on women's reproductive rights in Manila, filed a case countering the seven-year de facto ban on contraceptives in city funded health facilities.
Pity the men who, wittingly or not, are allowing the pain caused by their partners' abortions to be co-opted for political gain. They are the new face of the antiabortion movement: Post-Abortion Syndrome--for men.
Many men are perfectly competent at swallowing a pill every day on time, and plenty of them have partners who trust them to do it. So where's the male birth control pill?
If ever there was a perfect time for men to band together against a loss of fatherhood, that time is now -- with their demand for access to emergency contraception. Those who feel that they have been hurt by abortion have more reason than anyone else to spread knowledge of Plan B and support its widespread provision to men.
Iowa has roughly 100,000 low-income women -- 12.3 percent of all women of childbearing age -- who need, but are not receiving, publicly assisted family planning services. The lack of access has been costly to Iowa, a state where half of all pregnancies are unintended.
If new media's unparalleled ability to communicate with millions of people around the world is fully harnessed, more people than ever will be able to receive vital, life-saving information on AIDS.
By including questions about abortion on Republican exit polls, but not Democratic ones, pollsters guarantee the media pays attention to how conservative, anti-choice voters feel about the issue, while overlooking the majority of Americans' support for broad access to abortion and contraception.
Medical Students for Choice, South Dakota post-failed abortion ban, and why white women are a problem. Also an interview with Lois Backus from Medical Students for Choice. And why is everyone hating on John McCain?
Many people, queer-identified or not, assume that the term "transgender" refers only to specific individuals who have sexual reassignment surgery, but that is not the case.
Since the crisis in Kenya began, I haven't yet heard of a woman who picked up a machete and killed her neighbor. As in many conflict-ridden places in the world, women stand out as victims as well as the ones who are looking for peaceful means to resolve the situation.