Iowa Right to Life wanted to prevent clinics that provide abortion services from receiving family planning funding for low-income women in the state. Now the funding has been cut altogether.
"Expelled," the anti-Darwinist polemic, and the creationist movement behind it, share goals, tactics and leaders with anti-choicers. It's a multi-pronged mission to insert fundamentalist religious principles into all areas of public life.
Max Siegel is 23 years old and has been living with HIV since he was diagnosed at 17. His life was forever changed as a result of abstinence only education, and yesterday he testified at the first ever Congressional oversight hearing on abstinence-only.
To respond effectively to the epidemics of AIDS and TB around the world, a strategy for communicating messages that influence individual behavior change, community attitudes and socio-political dynamics is critical.
In 1968, Catholic Church doctrine forbade the use of contraception. Forty years later, the Church's teachings are irrelevant at best to American Catholics, but outright dangerous for those living in the developing world.
Senator Henry Waxman tomorrow convenes the first-ever Congressional hearings on abstinence-only education. Read an excerpt from Dr. John Santelli's testimony.
At the funeral mass for the Colombian Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo this Wednesday, Pope Benedict will likely commemorate the Cardinal's work to prevent women from accessing abortion and laud his efforts to eliminate contraceptives.
Faith leaders working on the ground have accepted that contraception saves lives. Isn't it time for a brave American politician to ask the Pope why he won't do the same?