Abortionchangesyou.com promotes an aura of shame and guilt around abortion and contributes to the lie that to have an abortion is to murder a baby. This comes in the guise of concern for women and providing emotional support for them. The anti-abortion agenda of these ads has been exposed in a New York Times article, which points out that the site directs people to pro-life groups with the Catholic Church and the site’s founder has collaborated with Feminists for Life.
In my decades of escorting women through anti-abortion protesters and into abortion clinics, I’ve observed that there are a variety of culturally different responses to the bullying, whining, pushing and threats. I’ve seen Latinas dissolve into tears and confusion when confronted at the clinic entrance by a priest saying the rosary over them, when they are told they’ll go to hell for “killing their babies.” Russian women tend to breeze by the antis as if they’re invisible, while white American women, more than any others, feel they have to answer for their personal actions to obnoxious and complete strangers.
Here's a good point to ponder... why would the anti-abortion movement use the term "species" when talking about Black children? Using the term "species" for other members of homo sapiens has been used in horrifically racist ways and is utterly unscientific and wrong. Geneticists have shown after all that there's far more variation within the socially defined groupings of humans known as "races" than between races themselves. Black children are beautiful and Black women who control their reproduction as THEY decide are beautiful too!
I brought up the three points (which were not in the sections of the video we attached) that should serve as a foundational basis of what we stand for: a fetus is not a baby, abortion is not murder, women are not incubators, and talked about how those points are probably completely non-controversial amongst the people in the room, but which had been compromised and diluted to near meaninglessness by the sections of the movement that are subservient to the Democratic Party.