Black Children are Beautiful Members of the HUMAN Species!
Here's a good point to ponder... why would the anti-abortion movement use the term "species" when talking about Black children? Using the term "species" for other members of homo sapiens has been used in horrifically racist ways and is utterly unscientific and wrong. Geneticists have shown after all that there's far more variation within the socially defined groupings of humans known as "races" than between races themselves. Black children are beautiful and Black women who control their reproduction as THEY decide are beautiful too!
Wow, this is awesome. Thank you to whoever took some “artistic license” with one of these messed up “Endangered Species” billboards that the Georgia Right to Lifers have plastered all over the Atlanta area. Click here for more info. There’s also the video featuring Sister Song that really breaks it down (much better than the NY Times article, actually). In a nutshell, the word BEAUTIFUL, below, is covering up the nasty anti-abortion message that “Black children are an endangered species.”
Here’s a good point to ponder… why would the anti-abortion movement use the term “species” when talking about Black children? Using the term “species” for other members of homo sapiens has been used in horrifically racist ways and is utterly unscientific and wrong. Geneticists have shown after all that there’s far more variation within the socially defined groupings of humans known as “races” than between races themselves.
Black children are beautiful and Black women who control their reproduction as THEY decide are beautiful too!