Gloria Malone

Gloria Malone is a fearless advocate, freelance writer, college student, and blogger at Teen Mom where she writes about life as a teen mom and provides encouragement to other teen moms to beat societal stereotypes.

‘How Did You Become a Teen Mom?’

I never quite understand how to answer that question. My immediate response is usually, "Sex—unprotected sex, to be exact." However, the real answer is far more complex, and some individuals may see my reasons as "excuses" so I usually don't bother to explain it. But I will now.

I Was a Teen Mom and the NYC Teen Pregnancy Ads Miss the Point

The Bloomberg Administration and NYC's Human Resources Administration have launched a campaign whose purpose seems to be shaming and stigmatizing teen mothers. But politicians and older generations are the ones who should be ashamed for their failures to provide meaningful sexual health education or to address the social conditions that lead to teen pregnancy.