Black, brown, Indigenous, disabled, and low-income people have historically been victim to state-sanctioned forced sterilizations and reproductive coercion.
It is not enough to say that we advocate for “culturally responsive” sex ed. We have to show that our sex education is as honest about racism as it is on any other topic.
Learning starts from birth, so whether you're a parent, guardian, educator, or caretaker, let’s work to expose our children to diversity and have conversations about race.
“Doing this work can weigh heavy—we know that even with all of the work that is being done to uplift issues around Black maternal health, Black mamas are still bearing the brunt of this crisis."
Truly investing in the health and well-being of Black women would reform our health-care system and obviate the inevitable scramble to address public health crises like COVID-19.
Given the obstacles Black women already face, new barriers to abortion—in Louisiana and across the country—will turn reproductive health care into a right we cannot exercise.
Black women are two to three times more likely to get fibroids than our white female counterparts. We are also more likely to experience implicit bias and be disempowered by our health-care system.
The alignment of March for Life with racist suffragists shouldn't come as a surprise given the rampant anti-Blackness within the anti-choice movement, along with its links to fascist groups.