In 2007 the Mexican Supreme Court upheld a law which decriminalized abortion in Mexico City. Since then, twelve Mexican states have approved constitutional reforms defining personhood as beginning at the moment of conception.
A UN Panel featuring two women with different contexts for understanding women's health demonstrates that making progress in securing a just and healthy life for every woman remains a challenge of attitude and articulation.
A constitutional amendment in the Dominican Republic asserting a right to life beginning at conception contributes toward virtually eliminating women's access to care in Latin America.
When any person is really ready for partnered sex that poses STI and/or pregnancy risks, they also have to be really ready to deal with safer sex and birth control.
An aggressive advocacy campaign by the Catholic Church has resulted in changes in the Constitution of the Dominican Republic protecting "the right to life" from the moment of conception to death.
In a day to go down in history, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton broke the political sound barrier regard the word "abortion" and may well have forever changed the course of US policy.
The President of Brazil's Catholics for Choice talks about the impact of the Church's excommunication (and later retraction) of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who sought an abortion.
The National Abstinence Education Association is lobbying Congress today - despite the colossal failures of abstinence only programs. Send a letter to your Congress person asking them to defund abstinence only programs.
President Obama is still going to repeal the global gag rule, right?; More on Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand's record; anti-choice members of Congress speak on Roe anniversary; "thousands" gather at March for Life; abortion can be a moral choice; anti-choice movement down but not out.