The GOP war on women has gone global. Hidden within the Continuing Resolution (CR) passed by the House of Representatives are another set of drastic cuts and policy changes that would most severely affect women living in poverty and the children that depend on them. Cong. Russ Carnahan and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speak out against these cuts.
The American Life League's newest TV ad opposing our federal safety net program for family planning, Title X, features...a little bunny. Planned Parenthood's ad focuses on a woman who received life-saving medical care from a Planned Parenhood health center. We're fighting cute little bunnies now?
Rep. Bobby Franklin (R-Marietta, GA) of "rape victims aren't victims" and, now, miscarriage is "prenatal murder" infamy, is not simply a "Lone Ranger," as some call him. He's exactly what happens when we allow a GOP full-scale war on women, girls and families to get this far.
Miscarriage, oops, I mean "prenatal murder" in Georgia; Choose Life plates in North Carolina; and according to a new study mothers who work outside the home are actually making our children sick!
The House moves to defund family planning, and Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress is here to report. Also, anti-choicers overplay their hand with Lila Rose and terrorism makes a move to the mainstream
City council member in DC proposes pharmacist-dispensed birth control pills, PA governor fires state employees in connection with Gosnell, expense issues at pro-choice organization, and Lisa Edelstein (aka Cuddy from 'House') films pro-choice ad.
Republican supporters of this bill and their witnesses repeatedly asserted in the hearing that abortion is never necessary to save a woman’s life. That is simply not true.
To me, the most interesting question posed by the brazen contempt for women contained in H.R.358, is whether the antiabortion movement has finally gone too far.
One hundred members of Congress (so far--list included below) have cosponsored a bill introduced by far right Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) that would allow hospitals to refuse to provide abortion care when necessary to save a woman’s life.
Texas legislators faced with slashing education funds for children and safety net programs, have instead given "emergency" status to bills to restrict abortion care for women - even before the budget talks occur.