If you are a current law student working in Washington, DC this summer, don’t miss out on this excellent professional development and networking opportunity – register for the training today!
Presentation topics will include:
Reproductive Health on the Hill: What's Happening and What You Can Do
Abortion Case Law: Past, Present, and Future
Reproductive Health Care and the New Health Care Law
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Religious Restrictions on Access to Reproductive Health Care
After stating he was uncomfortable with the language of an 20 week abortion ban, Gronstal has said he'd like to look for other ways to ensure Cahart won't open a clinic.
Policies ostensibly put in place to combat illegal immigration have proven particularly detrimental to immigrant women’s access to reproductive justice.
Will the new abortion restrictions in South Dakota constitute a de facto ban of abortion in a state where the voters rejected a direct ban in 2006? It seems that legislators may have given the power to ban abortions to anti-choice groups in the state.
While local news establishments claim, ala Fox News, that a 20-week abortion ban is a priority of the people of Council Bluffs, Iowa, only 34 people showed up to a rally in favor of the ban, many of whom were not from Council Bluffs... or even from Iowa. Meanwhile a local news reporter is seen hugging a leading anti-choice organizer.