Boycotts and harassment tactics have an impact, even if it’s not the impact the anti-choicers would like. When businesses submit to antiabortion browbeating, it forces clinicians to scramble to find new suppliers, diverts attention from the provision of care, and exacerbates tensions and anxieties.
Rewire conducted a Q & A with former Michigan Governor and host of Current TV's 'The War Room' Jennifer Granholm on how Republicans want to treat women like children and why women should be leading this country.
In March, Argentina's Supreme Court issued a decision clarifying a woman’s right to obtain an abortion in all cases of rape. While this is an enormous achievement, ensuring that rape survivors are able to access abortion in practice represents an even greater challenge.
In another "money is fungible" push, the state is willing to possibly give up over a billion in Medicaid funding to ensure not one dollar is paid to someone who provides an abortion.
Among the new restrictions appearing in anti-choice bills nationwide, it is the medical malpractice liability shields that have the potential to alter, perhaps permanently, women’s relationship with the civil justice system and their status as patients.
Citizens in Mississippi, once, and Colorado, twice, have resoundingly rejected so called "personhood" measures that would have established the "pre-born" as separate legal persons under the law. There is increasing evidence that when people understand the broad reach of such measures, they vote them down. But what happens when prosecutors and judges misuse their power and "pass" such measures in disguise?