The bill will make it a crime to force a woman to abort by hurting or threatening her, because apparently it's a bigger crime to hurt women if they are pregnant, when they are, you know, valuable.
This speech was given at the WomenUnite Rally in Washington, DC on April 28, 2012, one of 53 events that took place in 45 cities around the country. The marches recieved little or no national coverage, despite the fact that thousands of people participated in a grassroots movement of more than 50 events co-ordinated by volunteers in fewer than 10 weeks.
It was a youth takeover at the United Nations last week, for the 45th annual Commission on Population and Development, a global meeting to examine whether and how we are protecting the sexual rights and health of our youngest generation.
The ban, which wrongfully redefines medical terms in an attempt to limit a woman's right to choose, is perhaps the most confusing of all so called "20 week" bans.
In an overnight decision, the conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down an injunction issued yesterday allowing Planned Parenthood to continue providing Medicaid-funded care in Texas. The judge behind the ruling? Conservative Jerry Smith, a member of Rush Limbaugh's anti-Obama "team."