In a country where anti-choice protestors are given free rein to harass and threaten women and doctors and parade gruesome doctored photos in every public square, a woman is asked to leave a plane because of a political pro-choice t-shirt.
Last week, the House Appropriations Committee proposed to cut funding for international family planning programs and impose harmful restrictions on women’s access to essential health care — including the global gag rule and prohibiting U.S. contributions to UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.
Bei Bei Shuai was released on bail today after more than a year in an Indianapolis jail for being so depressed during pregnancy that she attempted suicide. She survived the suicide attempt but lost her baby — and her ordeal is not over yet.
"Human Detour" efforts from the group Jackson Hole United have kept the chaos -- and the interactions with protesters -- to a minimum in an effort to promote "civility, compassion, and love."
Alyssa Rosenberg talks all things sex and pop culture. The right reacts poorly to Obama's support of gay marriage. An examination of the controversy over wrongful death lawsuits.