
Abortion Clinics Across Country Put On Alert In Wake of Georgia Clinic Arson Cases

The National Abortion Federation has sent out warnings to its clinics across the country urging vigilance.

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As investigations continue of a potential terror plot in this week’s clinic fires in two different offices of doctors who either perform abortions or spoke out against the Georgia 20-week abortion bant, other providers around the country are being warned to stay alert.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, National Abortion Federation sent out notifications to their network, alerting providers of the Georgia burglaries and arson, and telling them that although there is no evidence of attacks outside the state, they should still be vigilant. 

“We are concerned about the escalation and activity,” said Vicki Saporta, president of National Abortion Federation, which sent out notifications to all member clinics about the Atlanta incidents twice this week, urging them to take additional precautions. “It’s not a good sign when one arson follows another, after following several burglaries. Something clearly is escalating there and we’re hoping that the strong law enforcement so far can stop it.”

Meanwhile, the “lone wolf” explanation is already be touted to the press.

According to [Jack Killorin, a retired ATF], these types of acts historically don’t involve large conspiracies, but one or a small number of disaffected people. The individuals usually don’t have criminal records, since they aren’t motivated by profit, but by ideology. The culprits are typically not affiliated with organized anti-abortion groups. Instead, they often believe those organizations are all talk and no action, Killorin said.

“This could very well be a lone wolf actor glorying in their powerful secrecy,” Killorin said. “And if so, they are very hard to find.”

There sure have been a lot of “lone wolf” incidents already this year.