A national attempt to ban abortions that are sought solely because of the gender of the fetus may not have succeeded, but one Utah legislator believes it might be worth investigating to see if the state needs its own bill to address the alleged problem.
Last night, the voters of North Dakota decisively defeated a ballot initiative that one news outlet called an "ecclesiastical mugging." By a margin of 64 percent to 36 percent, voters said "no" to an effort to impose religious doctrine on health care, social policy, and law in the state.
With the addition of new TRAP laws, conscience clauses and bans on allowing schools to teach how to provide abortions, Kansas has come very close to being an abortion-free state. Anti-choice advocates say that's the idea.
In the midst of an economic crisis worsened by its "pro-life" Governor's own policies, Kansas may be getting a great-big Liberace-esque multi-million dollar “pro-life memorial.” A group led by Wichita anti-choice terrorist leaders, Mark Rotola and Mark Holick, has embarked upon what they are calling an “ambitious project,” but would more aptly be dubbed a monument of their perceived victory by assassination.
Although a large portion of the GOP expressed concerns that the nominee may be favorable to reproductive rights, a handful of Republicans joined with Democrats to let the process continue.
The ACLU, in conjunction with a group of retired military leaders and veterans, launched a new ad campaign today targeting the Department of Defense’s ban on servicewomen using their insurance to pay for abortion services if they become pregnant as the result of rape or incest.
The bottom line: State policies undermine women’s health and decision-making if they do not give women a true portrayal of the medical information they need for the situation they are in.