Women were once seen as "second victims" of abortion. Now, as women face murder trials for unintended pregnancy losses, they're potential fodder for a prison system that is steadily becoming one of the biggest businesses in the country.
The state says its only ensuring that doctors verify Medicaid patients are following federal abortion payment rules. But mental health seems to have suspiciously been left off as an acceptable reason for an abortion.
The reproductive rights legal advocacy group will file an appeal over the recent decision to forbid crisis pregnancy centers from posting signs saying they don't provide or refer for abortions.
I have lately become acutely aware of a depressing trend: the denial of abuse – whether the issue is torture, forced evictions, or garden-variety employment discrimination – amongst those of us who should know better. Of course, we don’t call it denial. We call it "realism." But the mechanism is the same.
In the first half of 2012, states enacted 95 new provisions related to reproductive health and rights. As was the case in 2011, issues related to abortion, family planning funding and sex education once again were significant flashpoints in many legislatures .
At the family planning summit in London, I waited to hear leaders of different countries recognise the centrality of women’s human rights, their sexual and reproductive rights. But disappointingly, although a few notable references were made to these issues by some leaders, women’s human rights were not appropriately addressed.