When it comes to personhood/human life laws, either Mitt Romney is very confused and does not understand the grave implications for women of the laws for which he is espousing support, or he is lying, or both. The media should not be helping him out.
You often hear women exclaim that they're pro-choice but they could never have an abortion. This comment sounds innocent on its face, but in fact it's deeply stigmatizing and supports the stereotypes of women who have abortions that lead to more restrictions.
A rare bipartisan effort underway in the Senate—to ratify a United Nations treaty on disability rights—has become the latest target of politicians who would like to undermine a woman’s ability to make personal health care decisions.
During the primaries, Mitt Romney publicly and unequivocally endorsed every single abortion ban (with no exceptions) proposed by the anti-choice establishment. Now that the GOP platform includes the same language, he's not so sure.