During his tenure as Surgeon General, Koop was not political. He was not ideological. And he was not quiet (like many of his predecessors had been). He saw his position as a platform to speak to the public, and he used it, surprising both the right and the left along the way.
Abortion law in Thailand is very ambiguous, and as a result, I do most of my work helping women access safe abortion care out of the public eye. At a recent workshop, I responded to public requests for information on safe abortion by first confronting my own fears.
MAKERS was a good overview documentary, and I'm glad it exists. Unfortunately, it ended with a thud by ignoring many of the vibrant, young feminists working today.
After a short and unsurprising debate, the Indiana Senate voted 33 to 16 to pass a bill that will force all clinics that provide RU-486 for early abortions to become licensed surgical abortion facilities, regardless of whether or not they offer surgical abortions.
The two-day Take Root conference examined the tenets of reproductive justice: ensuring "the right to have a child, the right to not have a child, and the right to raise that child in a healthy, safe environment."