Rewire hosted an audio news conference for journalists and bloggers on critical reproductive health services for women in the President's budget proposal.
How can you afford to have children and access to decent medical care with a full range of birthing options when you are paid according to your race and gender rather than your contributions to society?
Inaccurate arguments posed by anti-choicers against emergency contraception are not about the health and safety of women and girls: Rather, their claims about EC’s safety are proxies for moral disapproval of sex.
The closer I get to my due date, the more offended I am when opponents of women's rights and of full access to reproductive health care take a lackadaisical attitude towards what pregnancy entails.
Science trumps ideology in the emergency contraception decision. Meanwhile, the depths of the anti-choice domestic terror network in Kansas become clearer.
Today, more than 20 years after Hill first came on the national stage, we better understand that gender justice is not only about women's rights in opposition to men and their privilege—it encompasses the full spectrum of gender and sexuality.