Whether it's the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell or the birth control benefit, the radical right wing has shown it has no problems manipulating the law to push its agenda.
Generation Roe provides a savvy overview of how abortion came to be so inaccessible, marginalized, and stigmatized while disproving the tired media trope that "young women don't care about abortion."
Unable to muster actual compassion for Gosnell’s victims, anti-choicers got right to work seeking ways to exploit his crimes to further reduce access to safe, legal abortion, and to create more Gosnells in the future.
Around the world — even here in Pennsylvania — women face obstacles to legitimate medical care, including preventive services like contraception, prenatal care and safe abortion care. However, such obstacles — legal and financial barriers, social stigma or language barriers — do not affect all women equally.
Dr. Gosnell’s story reminds me that too many women in this country can’t get the kind of care my colleagues and I offer. I am more dedicated than ever to making safe abortion an option for everyone.
The measures would force clinics that perform abortions in the first trimester to modify their facilities in several ways that are not required of other outpatient medical facilities or existing hospitals in the state.
Unlike in recent years, when the thrust of legislative activity was on regulating abortion, this year legislators seem to be focusing on banning abortion outright.