This week the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis supports an ongoing crackdown on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, a group that represents about 80 percent of nuns in the United States.
Touching thighs is, according to Ohio lawmakers, a gateway to other sexual activity and they would like to see anyone who teaches about it in school subject to a $5,000 fine.
Despite the most aggressive push yet, anti-choice legislators failed in their attempt to force poor women to give birth by cutting off abortion funding. Why? Because they hate birth control.
One New Hampshire politician claims he was trying to be "shocking" when referring to women as vaginas. But the way legislators treat us these days, it's clear they believe it.
Don McKinney, who is representing the alleged stalker of South Wind Women's Clinic Director Julie Burkhart, has had long-standing, public affiliations with radical anti-choice zealots like Army of God.