Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) continues to refer to the discredited Center for Medical Progress videos as the basis for the panel’s investigation and continued subpoenas.
Shifting stances on reproductive health and rights have created questions about Trump’s position, though Trump’s charity has given money to anti-choice groups and the candidate has spoken at length about his opposition to funding Planned Parenthood.
In El Salvador, Maria Teresa Rivera was convicted of aggravated homicide after experiencing an obstetrical emergency. She is scheduled to have a new day in court on May 11, when she will argue that there were judicial errors in her original trial.
Until recently, a person who Googled "abortion clinic" might be directed to a CPC instead. CPCs, as a result, are reaching more clients than ever, but as statistics indicate, persuading very few to remain pregnant.
For pro-choice activists and supporters, the complaint filed against the MedStar Washington Hospital Center represents much more than a passionate doctor pitted against her employer. This is about abortion stigma and the need to affirm and normalize abortion’s role in basic health care—something that’s infinitely harder to achieve when providers are silenced.
GOP backers of the measure have said that abortion clinics should not be near schools because of the "commotion" caused by anti-choice protesters outside the facility.