Renee Bracey Sherman, a program manager for the We Testify project, told Rewire that society and politicians have long allowed non-experts to speak about abortion rather than the diverse community of people who have intimate experience with the service.
Robert Lewis Dear Jr. faces more than 100 criminal charges related to the November siege of a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, which left three dead. Now his attorneys are asking the court to ban Dear from contacting the media.
Indiana House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath said Pence’s sweeping anti-choice law, which includes banning pregnant people from terminating a pregnancy due to fetal anomalies or the sex or race of a fetus, drew the ire of even those who typically oppose legal abortion.
By requiring sexual education instructors to be certified teachers, the Alaska legislature is targeting Planned Parenthood, which is the largest nonprofit provider of such educational services in the state.
A return to data should aid in dismantling other laws ungrounded in any real facts, such as Texas’ onerous "informed consent” law—HB 15—which forces women to get an ultrasound that they may neither need nor afford, and which imposes a 24-hour waiting period.
The “A Woman’s Right to Know” pamphlet, published by the state, has not been updated since 2003. The pamphlet includes the medically dubious link between abortion care and breast cancer, among other medical inaccuracies common in anti-choice literature.
This year's convention included disabled people every evening, as part of a larger inclusive policy that made 2016 a banner year for disability rights activists.
The Democratic Party voiced its support for rolling back the restriction on federal funding for abortion care in its platform, which was voted through this week.
“Make room for pro-life Democrats and invite pro-life, progressive independents back to the party to focus on the right to parent and ways to help women in crisis or unplanned pregnancies have more choices than abortion,” the group said in a report unveiled to allies at the event, including Democratic National Convention (DNC) delegates and the press.