Although the Obama administration has made numerous attempts to appease religiously affiliated nonprofits who object to providing contraception coverage in health-care plans, many of those nonprofits made it clear last week compromise is not possible.
“Newman's endorsement just goes to show why Trump has brought together the anti-choice movement and the racist, misogynistic alt-right: All of them share an intense desire to put women down and prevent us from being full partners in society," NARAL President Ilyse Hogue said.
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland last week responded to the ballot initiative, saying the law would punish women. “If passed, women and doctors would be imprisoned for any abortion, even one to save a woman’s life,” Copeland said.
Phyllis Schlafly was arguably the nation's staunchest anti-feminist, but her diatribes against women in the workforce showed how far out of step she was with U.S. women's lives and needs.
“Let me assure you, the Trump-Pence administration will stand for the sanctity of life and defend the unborn from the first day we take office,” said Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), a supporter of some of the country’s most restrictive anti-abortion measures.
Media reports described how an Arizona woman received a "taxpayer-funded abortion," without explaining that Arizona covers abortion care in very limited cases.
“Congress never delegated to the states the ability to just change the eligibility requirements and withhold Title X funds from entities for reasons that are wholly unrelated to the quality of care that they provide,” said Janel George, director of federal reproductive rights and health for the National Women’s Law Center.
Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill are debating privately whether to keep pushing contraception restrictions and other reproductive health-care riders—poison pills for Democrats.
On Thursday the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the case of Tamesha Means, a Michigan woman who had argued a Catholic-affiliated hospital was negligent in following religious directives in treating her miscarriage.