Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, who opposed GOP anti-choice measures as a state senator, touted a new initiative to expand access to long-acting reversible contraceptives in Virginia.
"Is it the will of a compassionate God to mandate that young girls who have been raped carry to term resulting pregnancies?" asked theologian María Lopez Vigil at a talk organized by advocates.
There’s a cautionary tale in this we should heed if we don’t want to validate revisionist history that makes slavery seem like an undesirable minimum wage job.
Insurers and the state's Medicaid program would be required to offer a 12-month supply of birth control at no charge. Nevada law today limits people to a 90-day supply.
Some religious Republicans once championed abortion reform, but later GOP politicians saw that they could clinch victory by courting conservative voters for whom abortion was the most important issue. And some Democrats shied away from reproductive rights because they blame abortion for previous electoral defeats.