U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said he'll examine all 1,442 citations giving him discretion in regulating Obamacare for ways to dismantle the health-care reform law.
We often believe that we do not have the training to deal with the complexities of transgender health. This contributes to significant disparities in sexual and reproductive health for transgender people.
A Boston-based firm dispatched advertisements for anti-choice groups to women’s smartphones while they were sitting in Planned Parenthood clinics, using a technology known as “mobile geo-fencing.”
In his memoir, Dr. Willie Parker explains that his gospel is one that views “abortion as part God” and that allows women to “find healing and understanding in church, not stigma and shame."
Loretta Ross and Rickie Solinger help prove in Reproductive Justice: An Introduction that while choice is important, it is but a bullet point on a larger list of human rights issues.
Beto O'Rourke is challenging Cruz as a recent poll found 29 percent of respondents “disapproved strongly” of Cruz's performance in Congress, while 20 percent strongly approved.
An Arizona woman was halfway through a pregnancy when doctors said there was no hope for her fetus. Legislation now before the Arizona governor inserts the state in these personal decisions.