Daleiden has been charged with 14 felony counts of unlawfully recording people without permission and one count of conspiracy to invade privacy stemming from his covert recordings of Planned Parenthood staffers and officials.
With his far-right record on LGBTQ issues already on blast in his bid for re-election, Marshall's record on restricting reproductive rights and freedoms may not be far behind.
The state protections vary, but frequently include provisions that require insurers cover a range of contraception, including birth control pills and long-acting intrauterine devices.
While at the anti-choice Alliance Defending Freedom, Matthew Bowman—who the New York Times reports is now serving as “a top lawyer at the Department of Health and Human Services"—successfully represented cabinet manufacturer Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. in a case over the Affordable Care Act’s birth control benefit.
The vice president's Twitter account posted a photo of his meeting with activists determined to destroy reproductive health care, but no one will discuss details of the meeting.
In addition to helping pass abortion restrictions at the state level, anti-choice activists are challenging those laws that do protect clinics and patients.
“Oregon’s success represents a formidable and proactive resistance to Trump’s agenda to shame, bully, and punish women who decide to have an abortion."
Instead of glowing and nesting and all of the things expectant parents do to prepare for babies, I've spent half of my pregnancy worrying about the harm that could be caused by Ohio’s restrictive abortion laws.
"There is so much that we can already do, but now the presidential administration, as well as our friends in Congress, are making it even easier for us," said the Rev. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life.