"The pro-life versus pro-choice paradigm has so polarized everything, it’s entrenched us in specific positions that don’t allow us to critique and change as we go along," Smith told Rewire in a recent interview.
“This is the Trump administration’s true agenda laid bare: restrict and control how women access basic health care for the sake of an extreme political agenda.”
“For too long, Dan Lipinski has ignored the needs of working families across Illinois, by pushing his fringe ideological agenda at the expense of women and families across the state."
"RJ is a model not just for women of color, nor just for achieving reproductive freedom. RJ is a model for organizing for human equality and well-being," writes author Dorothy Roberts in her foreword to the new anthology.
The bans on non-intact dilation and evacuation—an overwhelmingly common method of second-trimester abortion—could force Justice Anthony Kennedy to decide which he values more: evidence-based lawmaking or the power of the state to promote fetal life.
U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel accused lawmakers of requiring a patient seeking a second-trimester abortion to undergo an "unwanted, risky, invasive, and experimental procedure."
“I think Georgia must explain exactly how granting tax payer dollars to CPCs will improve maternal health outcomes in our state, with no regulation or accountability attached, all while we still have one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country."
“Location, location, location,” St. Gerard's board chair and medical director, Dr. Judith Mascolo, said. “It’s all about business. We go where the women are.”
Tom Tancredo’s anti-abortion stance in a general election would likely work against him in a state that has voted down so-called personhood amendments three times.