The Trump administration continued its regulatory war on the Affordable Care Act by expanding “hardship exemptions” to the law’s individual mandate for people who claim to object to abortion rights.
A federal lawsuit looks to build on the 2016 ruling in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt and knock down some Mississippi anti-choice laws that have been on the books for years.
A federal lawsuit argues that hackers violated the federal law designed to protect reproductive health-care facilities when they hacked an online abortion funds fundraiser.
“No matter what our beliefs about abortion are, we can all agree that federal food assistance money should help feed hungry kids, not fund an ideological agenda."
“The blessing of the Roe decision was that Roe recognized the moral agency of women. We cannot let that go away. We simply cannot allow women to become invisible again."
“By running sham abortion clinic ads on Search and Maps, Google fuels this industry of deceit and puts women’s health and lives at risk," UltraViolet Co-Founder Nita Chaudhary said in a statement.