This book by Rebecca Todd Peters will pave the way for more accounts that connect faith and reproductive justice, but it also shows how hard it is to escape the access focus of reproductive rights.
Colorado clinics receiving Title X funding erected walls and spun off abortion services into separate corporations to comply with restrictions similar to Trump's proposed domestic gag rule. They still didn't receive funding.
As legislators mount political attacks on reproductive health services, it is always worth remembering that every abortion provider is just one motivated anti-abortion extremist away from being targeted.
Groups that see a dire First Amendment threat in requiring the simple posting of a sign giving women information see no problem in a law that literally silences the speech of doctors, nurses, and other health providers.
Several states require that pregnant people seeking abortion care be provided with state-printed materials that make dubious claims about the psychological risks of abortion.
As legislators around the nation mount challenges to curtail the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in the U.S., advocates here are pushing the state to stand up for women’s rights and choice.