We need to reconsider the way we frame motherhood and gender roles so those who choose not to or who cannot become pregnant can live without shame or stigma.
Rep. Jeanine Notter's description fits a pattern of anti-choice legislators describing fetuses as having the features and abilities of fully formed people.
If the Trump administration gets its way, doctors will be able to claim a religious or a more nebulous moral objection as an excuse to deny care, gender-affirming or otherwise, to transgender patients.
Rhode Island does not have a law that makes abortion legal, meaning the medical procedure would become illegal in the state if the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.
Whether you’ve had an abortion, you’ve thought about an abortion, or you just love someone who had an abortion, it’s important to remember how valuable these health-care providers are in our communities.
In defending himself in the suit, funeral home owner Thomas Rost explained he would be violating God's law if he allowed his trans employee to live and work as a woman.
A new documentary follows women's responses to Ms. magazine's coverage and catalogs their concerns about police violence, sexual harassment, and lesbian visibility, among other issues.