Under George W. Bush, Robert Redfield helped to shape government policy on HIV by promoting a long-discredited theory that abstinence-only education was the best way to combat the spread of the disease.
Short-term plans are riddled with limitations and exclusions, many of which are prime examples of the kind of egregious gender discrimination that was rampant in the individual health insurance market before the passage of the Affordable Care Act.
The Northern Kentucky Health Department is investigating a “cluster of HIV cases," but Catholic hospital rules mean two needle exchange programs are forbidden from distributing condoms.
Tamya Cox of Planned Parenthood Great Plains said it was “disappointing” that state lawmakers would consider directing state or federal funds to organizations that don't provide reproductive health care.
A Lambda Legal attorney called the memorandum "nothing more than a transparent ruse cobbled together with spittle and duct tape designed solely to mask discrimination."
Awareness is a first step. A second one might very well be taking a leaf from a group of parents in St. Louis and demanding to see curricula and holding schools accountable for the presenters they bring in.
The Nebraska GOP plan to deny Title X funds to health centers that perform, counsel about, or refer for abortion services would harm family planning health centers in the state, potentially setting them up to violate federal law.
Congress maintained funding for a key family planning program. But President Trump’s abstinence-only Title X chief, Valerie Huber, will decide what to do with the funds.