The Republicans are scoring yet another victory on their war on contraception, as Title X funding cuts cause multiple Planned Parenthood clinics in Minnesota to shut down.
Reviewing the panel on the war on contraception at Netroots Nation: what it means, and how the lessons learned can be paid forward. Does the war on contraception provide pro-choicers an opportunity to defend all reproductive rights?
In a Q and A interview today at Netroots Nation, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer could not bring himself to acknowledge that there is a "war on women," underway in the United States and fudged the issue of how exactly the Administration would either respond to or fight back attacks on women's rights.
What's the difference between flirting and harassment? How does a person recognize and deal with harassment? How do we make sure we're not harassing anyone unintentionally?
Ok. I didn’t want to address it. First, it seemed like a stupid thing to be talking about at all, and then it just seemed stupid, and now it’s mostly sad. But I found that thoughts on the topic were accumulating, unbidden, in my head. So, pardon my being unfashionably late to this particular pity party, but here are a few musings on Anthony Weiner.
The involvement of women and girls, sex workers, persons who use drugs, men who have sex with men (MSM), and young people is crucial to the achieving the goal of zero new HIV infections by 2015.