We've used our increased visibility, often through hashtag campaigns, to expose evangelical authoritarianism to the broader American public, something that major media outlets have mostly failed to do.
From defending reproductive rights to run-ins with several TV shows, the Satanist community had a busy 2018. The only question going forward: Will internal tension sink the movement?
From sexual abuse to white nationalism, a fake rabbi, atheists behaving badly, and politicized pastries, 2018 had little going for it on the religion front.
From rural organizing to pepperoni roll evangelizing, here are some notable stories from the central Appalachian region that you may have missed this year.
A Christian nationalist coalition, including the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, has published a new state legislative playbook for 2019 that's 30 percent larger, and 100 percent as committed to a nation that reflects its sectarian values.