In 2007, Rick Perry signed an executive order mandating HPV vaccines for all girls entering the sixth grade. While he's stood behind this decision for years, he began back-peddling as soon as he began running for president. While we may never know what Perry really thinks about HPV, STDs, and prevention, a close look at this issues shows us what he thinks about campaign contributions.
Another study about the female orgasm, and another round of reading illogical responses. The origins of the female orgasm may be scientifically interesting, but they have no bearing on women's rights to have them or not have them as they wish.
Rick Perry had a vasectomy. But in his relentless attacks on contraception, and of course, abortion and comprehensive sex education, Perry is doing all he can to reassure his base that many of his fellow Texans will not have the same opportunity to control their childbearing as the Perry family had.
A right-wing group affiliated with the Catholic Church hierarchy is advocating against New York City Mayor Bloomberg's new sex-ed mandate while also opposing access to family planning services and decrying the city's abortion rate.
If and when we want to have sex in such a way where we only think of our own wants and needs, we can always have that easily with masturbation. But once more than one person is involved in sex, more than one person needs to be seen, heard and considered.