President Bush praises family planning? On World Contraception Day? Don't fall off your chair. Nearly 40 years ago, ensuring universal access to family planning services was a cause that card-carrying Republicans were actually proud to embrace. So we're talkin' President George Bush, Senior, before he was President.
Today is World Contraception Day. It’s actually a day just like any other, because it’s a day when so many women worldwide remain without access to birth control or other reproductive health services, and in which reproductive choice for all women remains an elusive goal.
Jay Rosen deconstructs the "he said/she said" journalism NPR applied to a story on abortion access. NPR covers the anti-contraception movement in Texas, and Bachmann's ignorant comments on HPV inspire some responsible medical journalism.
The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Affairs, and Related Programs has passed a bill that would amend the current total ban on abortion care for Peace Corps volunteers by allowing the Corps to provide access to safe abortion services in cases of sexual assault, incest or life endangerment.
Sex for young girls in Thailand is a very controversial topic, obstructed in discussion by the belief that a girl should be extremely careful about her manner, behavior, and reputation.
Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee adopted an amendment to the FY 2012 State Department and foreign operations appropriations bill introduced by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) that, if signed into law, would block re-imposition of the Global Gag Rule.
The family ideal may place restrictions on abortion in Malta, but it doesn't stop women on the island from resorting to abortions on their own. Those women who can't afford to leave the island do it illegally putting their health at risk.