
Religious Exemptions and Contraceptive Coverage: How Far Can Denial Go and Still Be Constitutional?

The Department of Health and Human Services has included contraceptive coverage as essential preventive care under the Affordable Care Act, while exempting organizations with an explicit religious mission from having to comply. For some, this exemption does not go far enough. But how far can religious right organizations go in denying their employees access to essential preventive care?

Why I’m Marching in SlutWalk NYC

I’ll be at SlutWalk NYC representing every person who has ever been sexually assaulted but never reported it, for whatever reason. We welcome anyone who believes that rape should not be accepted by society any longer. We welcome anyone who believes that nobody deserves to be raped and nobody should be blamed for their attack.

SlutWalk: Why I Am Marching

SlutWalk is a grassroots movement, often spearheaded by young people organizing for the first time. Though the name has causes controversy, SlutWalk was never meant to be divisive. Instead it stands as a challenge to the notion that what might fall under a contemporary description of “sluttiness”—revealing clothing, flirting, drinking—does not equate consent to sex, and never justifies rape.

Hardwire This: Turning Evo Psych Upside Down

Evolutionary psychologists specialize in coming up with primal, survival-related explanations for "The Way Men and Women Are." While some of their scenarios are thought-provoking, a closer look suggests some of their interpretations make them little more than Professional Guessers.