Three news segments this week: Mitt Romney and the confusing story of banning the birth control pill, Rick Santorum is not confused about his hatred of contraception, and Herman Cain doesn't know what to think about abortion rights.
If you're worried in advance about pain with sex that involves vaginal entry and thinking about taking a painkiller, think twice. There are sounder ways to avoid sexual pain and experience pleasure that honor your body rather than numbing it out.
Restrictions on abortions just don’t work. This is the predictable, yet bold, conclusion of a report to be presented at the United Nations on Monday by a UN-appointed independent expert on health.
An op-ed in today’s New York Times preys on parents fears about sex ed but a closer look shows that it is not as much about sexuality education as it is an overt example of how far the socially conservative agenda is pervading all aspects of our culture.
New research out of the University of Texas, Houston, confirms that young people in Texas are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors than their peers nationwide. And, the researchers suggest that the state's conservative policies policies around sexuality education and reproductive heath are to blame.
In their righteous search to control women’s lives thank GOD Congressmen have the guidance the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the group that has covered for child rapists, pornographers, adulterers and others.