Up until the latter half of the twentieth century, arguments against abortion focused primarily on enforcing traditional gender roles for women, not on "saving babies." We need to reclaim the debate by focusing on women.
In preparation for what may eventually be another Lila Rose grainy expose trumpeted by the Right, it’s helpful to brush up on where millions and millions of tax-dollars are going to pay for sex “education:” ineffective and stigmatizing abstinence-only-until marriage programs.
Good options counseling requires a mix of concrete information and careful listening so that individuals can decide which alternative best meets their needs. That’s why one former patient gets so riled up when conservatives condemn Planned Parenthood: “I want these legislators to know that my three-year-old is here, not despite, but because of, Planned Parenthood."
People who participate in clinical trials take the enormous step of volunteering to test a product that may be useful and, sometimes, life-saving if it turns out to be effective. They play an irreplaceable role in research to prevent, treat, and sometimes cure illness – as well as to find other ways to improve people’s health and lives.
Happy Halloween! In honor of the holiday, Reality Cast will take a long, hard look at what scares the right wing and keeps them up at night. Also, Jaclyn Friedman helps women get what they really, really want.
Meanwhile, US residents report skyrocketing rates of infertility, impacting both men and women, as well as an enormous spike in Autism Spectral Disorders, learning disabilities, and childhood cancers in the offspring we sire.