
The Role of “Men” in Preventing HPV-Related Cervical Cancer

Men have an important role to play in preventing the spread of HPV. It is too common for women (particularly women of color) to have barriers to screening services or accessing this vaccine. This makes it even more important for men to seek the vaccine and to encourage the women in their lives (particularly the ones they are having sex with) to also be vaccinated.

New Minimum Standards for Sex Education: Progress or Retreat?

The newly released sexuality education standards set a minimum for school-based sexuality education. Yet even these leave out essential terms, information, and values. Because so many schools are still so far from adopting even minimal standards, I increasingly feel technology and social media will replace schools as the major source of sexuality education for children and young people.

Vanity Fair Article Reveals Romney Consistent On One Thing: Women Must Bow to the Patriarchy

While Romney is widely derided for his constantly changing political positions, it seems he is clear on one thing: Patriarchal order.  No matter your situation, your health, your needs, or your aspirations, if you are a woman, you stay in your place, follow the rules and let men make the decisions. When it comes to making sure women play by the patriarchy's rules, at least we know Romney is consistent in one area.

Ethiopia Gets On the Pill, and That Matters for Africa

African countries are too often lumped together as one big composite of grave statistics and chronic epidemics. Because of this, it’s especially important that the global development and reproductive health communities recognize and amplify those success stories that can be told.  Ethiopia is one of them.