Republicans denouncing the requirement that female employees have access to birth control as part of their health benefits use "religious freedom" as their focal point, but completely ignore the church teachings they don’t agree with. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich both wear their faith on their sleeves, but are hypocritical in picking and choosing when they wish to listen to the bishops.
On the past couple of weeks the major cable networks invited nearly twice as many men as women to discuss the fight for contraceptive coverage. So here are five big facts on birth control not nearly enough discussed by men in the mainstream media.
Freedom of conscience” is code for “the right to enforce conformity amongst religious women.” Actual freedom is about having a choice. The Church and its supporters want to monopolize freedom and choice for themselves while taking those things away from their employees and congregations.
In 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services examined the issue of just how much it costs insurance companies to cover contraception. Based on data from a wide range of peer-reviewed medical and public health data, the HHS analysis found that it costs more not to provide contraception than it does to provide it. Here's what the analysis said.
Fighting a non-existent war on religion Senators introduce "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" (RFRA) and consciousness clause amendments. The casualties of this non-existent war could be just about everyone.
A practicing Catholic explains why he skipped a mass that would likely include a bishop’s letter about contraception and a defense of the Catholic Church's political battle over free birth control, and what his family did instead.
A report released today details how the public health emergency in eastern Burma continues to undermine the health and well being of millions of people affected by decades of war. Women in eastern Burma face the worst pregnancy outcomes anywhere in Asia, and access to contraception is virtually nonexistent.