
Religious “Freedom” to Deny Women Health Care: The Ham Sandwich Defense

In his testimony at the February 16th House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on the contraceptive coverage mandate under health reform, the Most Reverend William E. Lori, the Bishop of Bridgeport and spokesperson for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, defended the claim of "religious freedom" by comparing essential primary health care for women to kosher deli being forced to serve pork. I'll call it the "ham sandwich defense." His opening salvo revealed just how shallow the case against insurance coverage for contraception is.

Despite State Birth Control Mandate, Fordham Law Students Lack Access to Affordable Contraception Even for Medical Reasons

Under New York State's law mandating insurance coverage for contraception, Fordham was able to accept that religiously-affiliated entities that want to sell products in the marketplace like insurance and federally-subsidized education must meet the same quality standards as non-religious organizations. Unfortunately, despite state law, Fordham still fails to guarantee access to affordable contraception.

Where Are the Women?

Today on Capitol Hill, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform assembled a panel to discuss the birth control mandate in President Obama's Affordable Care Act. The panel consisted of eight male anti-choice, anti-contraception religious leaders and one female anti-choice witness. None had health credentials.

The Alabamification of America, Take Two: An Agenda of Which Even the Bishops Should be Ashamed

The right wants to allow a boss or a corporation to claim “religious” or “conscience” reasons to roll back equal rights. As a native Alabamian, I am hearing some thundering hooves over some bridges at Selma. Religion and “conscience” and employers' and property owners’ rights were justifications for discriminating against black people in this country from the founding of the republic until the Civil Rights Act was passed. Now they are coming for you.