Women Deliver, the maternal health advocacy group, today named its “Women Deliver 50,” a list not of individuals, but of solutions, focusing not on the "who" but the "how of change, and hopefully inspriing people to think bigger and crazier, and do better work.
Weekly global roundup: USAID unveils a new policy on gender equality and women's empowerment - but is it too late? Women struggle in fledgling South Sudan; FIFA may let women play in hijab; and unsafe abortion haunts Nepal despite liberal laws.
In the aftermath of his most recent demeaning and misogynistic tirade against women, this time aimed at Georgetown University Law student Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh has been hemorraghing advertisers. Last night, yet another sponsor pulled his support: Satan.
Rush Limbaugh’s limp quasi-apology to Sandra Fluke isn’t good enough. Clear Channel Communications, the largest radio station owner in the US, should fire him and establish a precedent whereby media commentators understand that misogynistic language and attitudes are unacceptable and career-ending.
If you think for a hot second that a health insurance package is a mere courtesy bestowed on you by a kindly employer, I pity you for sipping the antifreeze so willingly. Health insurance coverage is part of earned wages.
Opponents of birth control don’t just want to limit access in the U.S., they want to slash U.S. support for international family planning programs. It’s a perennial debate, and it’s about to start all over again