President Obama’s proposed budget, released last month, was reasonably true to his Administration’s commitment to working toward an AIDS-free generation. But a major disappointment is the proposed cut to the Ryan White Part D budget, the only Part of the program that serves the unique needs of women, children, youth and families--and the only part of the Program to take a hit.
New research shows--yet again--that formal comprehensive sex education leads teens to delay their first sexual experience and makes them much more likely to use birth control, make more informed choices about their partners, and reduces risky sex.
Bradlee Dean and his Junkyard Prophets are back selling their anti-gay, anti-choice right wing Christian revisionist snake oil. This time to Iowa schools.
Among the literally life-threatening laws being considered in various states are expanded refusal clauses that not only allow various health care workers, including pharmacists, refuse to provide health care or a prescription, but also to refuse to refer to another provider or pharmacist for anything they find “objectionable.”
We are at an unprecedented time in history where we do not have to wait for the media to pay attention to our stories. We all have a platform; we all have followers. Through the power of mobile technology, social media, and the internet we are able to move street harassment from something that is isolating to something that is sharable.
Radio host, Rush Limbaugh, seems to be monopolizing the ire of women these days now that less well-known misogynists are operating under the radar. Wisconsin Republican state Senator, Glenn Grothman, for example.
On Saturday, our protest is not symbolic. It is a beginning. It is a declaration. From now, until we win the full liberation of women, this war on women will be resisted with conscience, anger, imagination, massive mobilization, and relentless determination to turn the tide.