
I Have Sex. And I Vote.

Lots of people take birth control pills because they are having sex and they don’t want to get pregnant. In fact, 86 percent of us take it at least in part because we want to be able to have sex and not get pregnant. Reproductive health, rights and justice advocates think it's a really good thing that women have autonomy over their bodies, their sexuality, and access to a full range of good choices about how to manage their fertility. 

Women CAN Earn More Than Men – But Only In One Industry. Porn.

This month, one of Belgium’s women’s rights organizations, zij-kant, caused quite a stir with their annual “Equal Pay Day” message. Instead of merely high-lighting that women in Belgium, on average, earn 22 percent less than men, the organization launched a video starring porn actress Sasha Grey with the message “Porn is about the only way women can earn more than men—find a better alternative.”