We must seize this opportunity to promote a truly science-based, holistic, HIV prevention strategy for young people in the U.S. and abroad. In the end, it is young people who hold the key to ending this epidemic. That's why they should be at the center, not the periphery, of our programs and policies.
When clients come to the Downtown Planned Parenthood Clinic in Austin, Texas, they're coming to get what they've always gotten: contraception, cancer screenings and STI tests. But what they're getting, if they're on the newly defunded Medicaid Women's Health Program, is bad news: Planned Parenthood can't see them any more.
I want to open this STD Awareness Blog series with a STD complication success story: fighting cervical cancer. Because here’s the thing: cervical cancer is almost completely preventable. This means that, given consistent and correct care, you will likely never been one of those 4,000 women who die of this preventable and treatable disease.
Study finds women with earlier access to the pill have had greater earning potential over the course of their lives; a NYT article examines the phenomenon of early puberty; April is STD Awareness Month.
With all the negative attention given to anti-choice legislation passed in Wisconsin recently and Senators saying silly things, it’s easy to look over the fact that Wisconsin is actually winning when it comes to innovation in contraceptive service delivery.
It is incredibly frustrating that the very women the federal Medicaid law is intended to protect are the ones who are hurt the most, but those sanctions are the only tool HHS has at its disposal to enforce the law.
The Supreme Court looks over one aspect of the Affordable Care Act, but make no mistake, this isn't about constitutional principles. Also, a Christian author takes on Christian sexual ethics.